Collection: Live Your Dash Out Loud

There are so many ways to enjoy life. First, is to have a positive mindset. If your day isn't going well. Reframe the situation and ask...what am I learning that I can avoid this event or feeling the next time. 

We offer many habit trackers, positivity items, and even programs to encourage you and others to Live Your Dash Out Loud.

Shop all Drinkware: Insulated Beverage Holders | Koozies | Mugs 
Shop all Humor: Key Chains | Kitchen Towels | Wine Bags
Shop all Journals and Trackers
Shop all Personalized Programs
Thank you for stopping by our TIOLI Moments Gift Shop.

Our Motto: Every day is a GIFT...enjoy and share your day!
Our Mission: To make a difference no matter how small...each smile that is shared is a bright moment as embark on a life-long journey of Expanding Possibilities.

Now it is your turn to choose who will be your accountably partner, mentor, and/or coach for your next step along your journey. 

Set your goals with Coach Kathy Micheel 
Book your 30-minute session now. 

Disclaimer: This personalized item is sold with or without our coaching programs. There is no guarantee of results based on time or on monetary value. We believe in helping you along your life's journey. While we are committed to assisting you throughout your journey, it is important to understand individual results may vary, and your success ultimately depends on your commitment to your goals.

For additional information please view our Legal Disclaimers.