Collection: Monogram

The monogram of M stands for Me, Myself, and Mine. It is ALWAYS up to you whether you proceed, stay in place, or move backward a step. 

There is no harm in in trying something new. Yes, it may be scary, however growth comes from challenging yourself. 

Enjoy the wins and even the struggles, they are part of your life's journey.

Now it is your turn to choose who will be your accountably partner, mentor, and/or coach for your next step along your journey. 

Set your goals with Coach Kathy Micheel 
Book your 30-minute session now. 

Disclaimer: This personalized item is sold with or without our coaching programs. There is no guarantee of results based on time or on monetary value. We believe in helping you along your life's journey. While we are committed to assisting you throughout your journey, it is important to understand individual results may vary, and your success ultimately depends on your commitment to your goals.

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